El Forestal II (2016 - 2023)

Where Dreams Are Made - Rose Window (2023)

Walk In The Park (2023)

Three Roses Window (2023)

Rose Window I (2023)

LOVE (2023)

London - Where Shit Happens (2022)

Summer Day Dream (Sept 2022)

London Vibes - Love Is All Around (2022)

Red Clouds And Lava (2022)

Beauty of Decay - Le Tour (2022)

Covent Garden, London (2022)

So Here We Are (2022)

Field of Dreams - No Time To Die (2022)

Its About Time (2022)

Westminster and Thames River (2022) SOLD

One Summer Day (2021)

What Does The River Say To The Forest (2022)

Oak in the Sierra de Gredos (2021)

Elements of Evolution (2021)

Woven (2021)

Elements of Water - Just One Drop (2021)

Elements of Earth (2021)

Elements of Fire (2021)

Sixth Element - Love (2021)

Earth View By 1000 Eyes (2021)

As Night Follows Day II (2021)

As Night Follows Day I (2021)

Good Morning World (2021)

Come Hell or High Water (2021)

Force of Nature (2021)

Is It Yorkshire Yet (2021)

Deep In Conversation (2020)

Talking Heads (2020)

Vineyard Harvest - Tuscany (2022) Updated

Harvest - Leicestershire, England (2020) SOLD

Riviera - Provence, France (2020)

Twin Peaks - Guangxi, China (2020)

Li River - Guangxi, China (2020)

Love Lines - Vineyard (2020) SOLD

Days To Remember (2020)

Times Like This (Lest We Forget) (2020)

And Breathe Again (2020)

Sweet Tooth (2019)

Almost Like Flying (2019)

Cherries (2019)

Blossom I (2019)

No Accident - Inside Social Media (2018)

Same Difference - Social Media (2018)

Last Kiss of Summer (2018)

Summer II (2018)

Big Summer (2018)

Summer I (2018)

3D Blossom III - Its Time (2018)

Spring across the Sierra Madrid (2018)

Rio Erasma in Summer (2018)

Blossom II (2018) VdO

Blossom I (2018)

Blue Leaf I (2016)

Leafscape III (2016)

Leafscape II (2016)

Leafscape I (2016) SOLD

Sierra de Guadarrama Mountains (2016)

Two Trees in Blossom (2016) SOLD

Morning Mist, Derwent Water, Cumbria (2016)

Derwent Water Approaching Storm (2016)

Napa Valley (2016)

Woodland Stream (2016) SOLD

Lanzarote Cliff Face I (2016)

Lanzarote Cliff Face II (2016)

Red Bridge and Vineyard (2016) SOLD

Vineyard Seguret, France (2015) SOLD

Grand Canyon II (2015)

Grand Canyon Walls I - IV (2015)

Grand Canyon I (2015)
Blue Leaf I (2016)
Oil on Canvas
81 x 60 cm.
Blue Leaf (2016) part of a series that focuses on the subtle nuances of colour and light, in this case a leaf. Caught against the twilight sky of an autumn night, it is falling, its curved surfaces gliding on the thermals of warm air, natures unseen guiding hand.
Signed on the back -
Sierra de Guadarrama Mountains (2016)
Oil on Canvas
81 x 60 cm.
Painted on location looking north towards the beautiful Sierra de Guadarrama Mountains viewed from Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid. Carpets of wild flowers and foliage celebrate the change of seasons as Spring colours melt into Summer.
Signed on the back -
Two Trees in Blossom (2016) SOLD
Private Collection
100 x 80 cm.
Signed on the back
Announcing the arrival of Spring, blossom appears in every hue filling the air with such delicate scents that our senses can't fail to be lifted despite the freezing temperatures that linger for just a few days more.
Prints are also available
Napa Valley (2016)
Oil on Canvas
170 x 100 cm.
Signed on the back -
Lanzarote Cliff Face I (2016)
Oil on Canvas
100 x 170 cm.
Signed on the back
Inspired by the majesty of cliffs of volcanic rock facing west towards the Atlantic Ocean. Scree slopes and large boulders cascading down towards the sea, vegetation providing pockets of colour contrasting with the glistening jagged rocks as they reflect the last rays of the setting sun.
This large painting, one of a number, developed from original watercolours made on location. Further details available upon request.
Lanzarote Cliff Face II (2016)
Oil on Canvas
100 x 170 cm.
Signed on the back
Storms gather behind the towering cliffs facing west towards the Atlantic Ocean. The colours of the scree slopes that cascade towards the sea become more intense and last rays of the setting sun are reflected across the jagged rocks.
This painting was developed from original watercolours made on location. For more information please don't hesitate to contact me.
Grand Canyon II (2015)
Oil on Canvas
100 x 170 cm.
Signed on the back
Capturing the immense scale, sculpted surfaces and wild water from within the Grand Canyon was an equally challenging objective. Nature provided the essential ingredient, light, to create the focal point as it bathed a distant wall, drawing attention to the lattice of rock strata on every side. Colours dance and weave across its surface describing its form like a conductor who is choreographed by a musical score.
Grand Canyon Walls I - IV (2015)
Oil on Canvas
Each Canvas 45 x 180 cm.
Signed on the back
Like cliff faces each with its own unique character, sculpted and painted by nature, revealing our past and future through a lattice so intricate our senses are overwhelmed.
Tracing the course of the river the valley sides read like the pages of a book, the four panels together reveal the dialogue, disputes and compromises in its history, conversations so subtle we are hardly aware they are still in progress. As we look with awe, we are left to wonder where we stand in this world.
In respectful silence, with a paint brush.
NOTE: Each of the 4x panels measure 180(h) x 45(w) x 3(d). The total minumum area they occupy together is 180(h) x 240(w) x 3(d). If the collector wishes, they may display each panel on different walls in order to accommodate them, however, together they represent a single piece of work.
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